Hey I’m not dead! (General Update)

Hey, so I haven’t posted in a while huh? First of all I have just been caught it a lot of things recently but I have started working on 3d modelling again! So that previous post… (DoomFizz Project) So anyway, about my last post, I did finish it in the end but since transferring PC’sContinue reading “Hey I’m not dead! (General Update)”

World Skills Semi Finals Entry! Snails

So recently I finished my semi finals entry for the world skills event, this one was much more challenging because I had to create and texture a model all within one day, as well as have many more restrictions such as not using over 1000 triangles, which meant using around 500 polygons! Finally the lastContinue reading “World Skills Semi Finals Entry! Snails”

Female proportions (Currently Working)

Hi again, I have recently started working on a new project, being able to create semi-realistic character base models for both practice and later use. I felt like I needed to do this as this would be an essential skill, as well as give me some sort of experience making characters from scratch rather thanContinue reading “Female proportions (Currently Working)”

Jolter gun modelling (Partially finished)

Hi! I thought I’d share what I’ve been working on over the last weekend on my blog today! I recently found out that I could get substance paint for free as a educational license as well as just warming up my 3D modelling skills as I’ve been focussing on pixel art recently. The jolter isContinue reading “Jolter gun modelling (Partially finished)”

Recent Game Jams!

Over the past couple of months I have recently contributed to creating two games (one during October holidays and one last week). The First Jam (Staffordshire University) The first jam I participated in was 5 days long and I and a group of 5 others began a game around dimensional shifting, provided to us byContinue reading “Recent Game Jams!”

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