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Hey I’m not dead! (General Update)

Hey, so I haven’t posted in a while huh? First of all I have just been caught it a lot of things recently but I have started working on 3d modelling again! So that previous post… (DoomFizz Project) So anyway, about my last post, I did finish it in the end but since transferring PC’s…

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Unbeatable Competition

While I wait to hear a response from world skills, I have entered another competition more focussed around a game and art in general for the game unbeatable! This game is a rhythm game similar to a game called muse dash, where you need to hit things in perfect timing as soon as they come…

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World Skills Semi Finals Entry! Snails

So recently I finished my semi finals entry for the world skills event, this one was much more challenging because I had to create and texture a model all within one day, as well as have many more restrictions such as not using over 1000 triangles, which meant using around 500 polygons! Finally the last…

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World skills entry

Recently I signed up for world skills and placed my entry for the theme hot air balloons, the rules of this competition were as follows: Under 10k tris 2 Materials 4k material resolution Some sort of hot air balloon I was inspired to create something that resembled a fantasy balloon whilst putting my own spin…

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Overdue blog post update

Been doing a lot of work recently so I am just going to dump a lot of files on the current project. Airship level During the time between the previous blog post and this one, I have been working a lot more on the new levels such as the caves and airship, and so far…

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Critical Reflection and Swot table

Overall I feel that I have learnt a lot within this last year at college, from learning and improving my skills from starting mud box, and finally learning how to unwrap and make nice textures for my most recent models, as well as visual elements within Unreal engine and improving some areas of 2D art…

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New project, New progress! (working on blog)

Hi, its been a while, after finishing the Time and tide project our class once again split into different groups and have begun making games again, however they are not for any client but are just projects we have wanted to do for a while. “The core concept of the game’s world is that the…

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Time and tide conclusion

After finally finishing this project, I found it to be a very unique and exciting experience and was really happy with how the game turned out! however with all things there are ways which I could improve my assets and product. Honestly, if I could have I would go back and understand lighting more, as…

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Final Time and Tide Project update

Hey again! We have finally hit the deadline for the project, and I just wanted to gloss over and cover everything that was added during the last week of this project, as well as describe my experience with the project as a whole, and finally what I will be doing during this last week. Puzzle…

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Small Project Update

Hi, I have been working on the project, but the amount of assets I need to create is coming to an end, so I thought I would provide a small update on what’s going on in my area of the project. New Assets UI: I have been creating more UI for the project, such as…

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Half term modelling

Hi! Sorry it’s been a while but I have been modelling and practicing my skills over the last few weeks. First model: Because I recently started watching some anime series with some friends and I was inspired by the armour from goblin slayer to create his helmet, this one by far took the most effort…

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Returning to Source Film Maker

In my free time I have been working on other mini projects outside of the Time and Tide project, I thought I should make a blog post highlighting my new creations!To start with I will show you some of my old work I made within my early years of SFM To begin with I will…

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Time and Tide progress Revamping the Jail room

Hi again, thought I would share my progress I have been making this week to do with my main project, as you know I have not been happy with the jail room I have been creating. So I decided to go and detail/refine the Jail room itself, adding various animations such as dripping water and…

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Time and Tide progress (UI!)

Hi again! I have been making great strides in my progress of the Time and tide, mainly in the UI department.Firstly I created a copper texture using various colours and creating a border, this concept was originally for character portraits but I ended up using these borders for UI buttons instead due to an update…

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Female proportions (Currently Working)

Hi again, I have recently started working on a new project, being able to create semi-realistic character base models for both practice and later use. I felt like I needed to do this as this would be an essential skill, as well as give me some sort of experience making characters from scratch rather than…

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Jolter gun modelling (Partially finished)

Hi! I thought I’d share what I’ve been working on over the last weekend on my blog today! I recently found out that I could get substance paint for free as a educational license as well as just warming up my 3D modelling skills as I’ve been focussing on pixel art recently. The jolter is…

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Time and Tide Project progress

Hi, the Great Yarmouth Time and Tide has reached out to me to create and begin developing a game for them, Me and my team (Mike, Cieran and Bryony) to create a game based on the Tolhouse Gaol as given to us in the brief. The Idea The main idea for this game has gone…

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Recent Game Jams!

Over the past couple of months I have recently contributed to creating two games (one during October holidays and one last week). The First Jam (Staffordshire University) The first jam I participated in was 5 days long and I and a group of 5 others began a game around dimensional shifting, provided to us by…

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Caffeine crash project (Working title)

I’ve recently been developing a game in college called caffeine crash, the development of this game began around quarantine, however was later scrapped due to not having the knowledge of programming a game (until a week ago). The main concept for the game is to fulfil customers orders by attacking evil ingredients and depositing them…

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Monthly Projects

I have made a compilation of all the projects I have been working on over the recent months, I will probably go into a more indepth post about some of these projects but for now here is a gallery, a lot of the projects I’ve done recently has been practicing the basics of mudbox painting,…

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Unit 1 Assignment 1

Games Designer – I wouldn’t mind being a game designer because I enjoy a lot of elements in game design from coming up with ideas creatively, drawing the idea visualizing them and also 3D modelling from previous ideas of others or my own, however programming isn’t really my strong suit. Games such as overwatch show…

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Credit Control

Credit control Credit control can be seen in companies such as catalogues like JD Williams, where you are given a certain credit limit to buy products with, allowing the customer to buy a lot of products and then pay the money back, if they fail to pay it back they have interest put on it,…

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COVID Project: Rocket sentry (OC) (Big reupload)

(this post was uploaded on my old blog website on August 25th) This week on my 3D modelling, I did something a bit different from the college tasks set, and made a completely original idea that would fit into the game where I made the Huo-long heater, I named it the: Rocket sentry. Before starting…

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COVID Project: Huo-Long Heater (Big Reupload)

(this post is a compilation or older posts from my old blog on wix, old post date July 14 2020) PART ONE This time I have now continued development of the Junkrat gun I was working on in my previous post, as well as finished (almost) an entire model from the game TF2 (Team fortress…

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COVID project: Junkrat gun (Big reupload)

(this post was reuploaded from Wix, created July 7 2020) PART ONE I have decided to start work on my first 3D model, this model is part of my tasks of further education and needs to be based of off another game, the model I am recreating is the weapon of Junk rats, a grenade…

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