
Hey I’m not dead! (General Update)

Hey, so I haven’t posted in a while huh? First of all I have just been caught it a lot of things recently but I have started working on 3d modelling again! So that previous post… (DoomFizz Project) So anyway, about my last post, I did finish it in the end but since transferring PC’s…

New project – Overwatch vending machine WIP

After completing my submission for Unbeatable, I felt that I needed to create something different, and I wanted to continue improving my skills on both drawing concepts and substance painter as I am using the bare minimum at the moment. soon I will be following this tutorial: This focusses on creating stylized textures as…

Unbeatable Competition

While I wait to hear a response from world skills, I have entered another competition more focussed around a game and art in general for the game unbeatable! This game is a rhythm game similar to a game called muse dash, where you need to hit things in perfect timing as soon as they come…

World Skills Semi Finals Entry! Snails

So recently I finished my semi finals entry for the world skills event, this one was much more challenging because I had to create and texture a model all within one day, as well as have many more restrictions such as not using over 1000 triangles, which meant using around 500 polygons! Finally the last…

World skills entry

Recently I signed up for world skills and placed my entry for the theme hot air balloons, the rules of this competition were as follows: Under 10k tris 2 Materials 4k material resolution Some sort of hot air balloon I was inspired to create something that resembled a fantasy balloon whilst putting my own spin…

Overdue blog post update

Been doing a lot of work recently so I am just going to dump a lot of files on the current project. Airship level During the time between the previous blog post and this one, I have been working a lot more on the new levels such as the caves and airship, and so far…

Critical Reflection and Swot table

Overall I feel that I have learnt a lot within this last year at college, from learning and improving my skills from starting mud box, and finally learning how to unwrap and make nice textures for my most recent models, as well as visual elements within Unreal engine and improving some areas of 2D art…

New project, New progress! (working on blog)

Hi, its been a while, after finishing the Time and tide project our class once again split into different groups and have begun making games again, however they are not for any client but are just projects we have wanted to do for a while. “The core concept of the game’s world is that the…

Time and tide conclusion

After finally finishing this project, I found it to be a very unique and exciting experience and was really happy with how the game turned out! however with all things there are ways which I could improve my assets and product. Honestly, if I could have I would go back and understand lighting more, as…

Final Time and Tide Project update

Hey again! We have finally hit the deadline for the project, and I just wanted to gloss over and cover everything that was added during the last week of this project, as well as describe my experience with the project as a whole, and finally what I will be doing during this last week. Puzzle…


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