Time and Tide Project progress

Hi, the Great Yarmouth Time and Tide has reached out to me to create and begin developing a game for them, Me and my team (Mike, Cieran and Bryony) to create a game based on the Tolhouse Gaol as given to us in the brief.

The Idea

The main idea for this game has gone through several variations so nothing is finite, but the current idea is the following:

The tollhouse was an area where they held cases of criminal activity and witch hunting trials, so we felt that It would be a great idea to create a game with a mixture of Guess who and Papers please, checking and finding evidence to support or deny their cases depending on a ruleset.

The Tolhouse Gaol | Museum | Great Yarmouth|Norfolk


When I first began designing this I was in the charge of the backdrops and soon the majority of the UI design.

Here is the concepts I had: Originally I had the idea of doing a ace attorney/danganronpa game, but soon found out that the game length would be too long for a game to be in a museum, although this game would be on Mobile so the length of the game could vary.

Here are the concepts

The title page idea, still need to improve start button and UI but again its just a concept, I have been told to use things such as more depth and 3D-ness.
Further Start button animation
Animated door for jail room concept.
Loading screen

Jail Room backdrop concept

Published by Kieron Rutter

I am a 3D modelling enthusiast, trying to constantly learn new techniques and improve my skills. I enjoy long walks on the beach and PC/Switch gaming, as well as loving my dog and other animals.

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